The first header reads "The 100 day promise". The second reads "The 100 day fantastic body project". Above the couple on the left it says "Spring" and above the couple on the right it says "Summer". The red writing in the centre lists the different activities/facilities available. Underneath that we're told that it is a "special system" and that it only costs 40,000 won per month. Fair enough, 100 days to turn you into the body beautiful babe or boy you've always wanted to become.... The transformation from Spring to Summer for the couple featured is quite remarkable, lets take a closer look:

Here's Spring couple, aren't they delightful? A little overweight perhaps, but still very cute and expertly photoshopped onto the poster. Strange thing is that their eyes have been blurred out, almost as if they haven't given permission for their images to be used in this advertising or perhaps they have been ripped off from some random internet site (though I severely doubt that any Gangnam gym owner would stoop that low). It seems that despite their charming looks and pixellated faces, they've still got a lot to lose in the weight department and a lot to gain in terms of muscle. Let's head on over to Summer to see their transformation...

Still blurry-eyed these two lovebirds seem to have made a remarkable transformation. He has somehow grown a lower hairline and managed to place a cleft in his astoundingly chiseled chin, while she has turned into a minor Hollywood celebrity showing off her dress on the red carpet. Well done guys, your 100 day transformation is complete.
I am astounded by the wondrous effect this gym has on ordinary folk and feel strangely compelled to join up. Why, Gangnam Physical Fitness Centre, your advertising nous and real life models have convinced me that your 100 day program can turn me from bearded fatty into Brad Pitt. Sign me up today, if only for the chance of hairline regrowth....