Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nothing to do with Korea, but still very funny...

My dear friend Matthew Steer and his dear friend Jamie Glassman have made a short video. I find it funny, I hope you also enjoy it. It has nothing to do with Korea and a lot to do with t-shirts. Visit their website here if you like this skit.

On a slightly different note, today, as I walked through the back streets of Itaewon I saw a stumbling cockroach vomit onto the pavement... I feel my day is now complete.


Daniel Lee Gray said...

that was hilarious. thanks for the cockroach thing...for real?

Paul Ajosshi said...

Unfortunately it was real. A stumbling, vomiting cockroach just outside my house. It seemed fairly unwell and was stomped on by a neighbour soon after... poor thing...