Joy of joys, it's Monday and The Korea Times is pushing the boat out with its headlines this morning:
What's even better is that the headline links to a series of pictures featuring UFO's photoshopped onto various landscapes. No accompanying text, no explanation, just lots and lots of misteries.
Keep up the good work KT...
Awesome! Makes about as much sense as this: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/art/2010/10/248_73816.html
I always knew that Arnie was a day master of yang metal!
My favorite is the crash landing on the moon. What misteries!
You want to see good work you should see what they've done to their iPhone app.
Originally it was free, you could read any days paper on there. One day it stopped updating, so I searched the app store and found my version gone. A new app was there and it was $.99 or $1.99. I figured why not, so I grabbed it.
After using it for a few months, I noticed this week it was a bit off. Strange, the layout suddenly looked different..and hadn't I read this story earlier this week? So I hit the refresh button to download todays paper and pops up a login. A login? I paid for this..
oh yes, you now need to create an account and subscribe on a page which comes up with no other information other than a button which says "Buy". No prices, no subscription information, etc. Yes they changed a pay app to a subscription app.
I headed to the app store to leave a rather rude review only to find out the app no longer appeared in the app store...
Class act all around.
It's good to see that they treat their customers with respect. A delightful organization that we should pay tribute to.
All hail The Korea Times and their marvellous grasp of modern technology!
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