A photo from Seonyu island in the middle of the Han river. An absolutely beautiful place to visit in the autumn (or pretty much anytime of year).
폴 아저씨
A quick look on imdb tells me that two of the creators of Garfield The Movie, Cheaper By The Dozen (the Steve Martin remake), as well as Daddy Day Camp (starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and directed by Wonder Years star Fred Savage) have made revisions on the script, so we'll be in safe hands when it comes to laughs, won't we?
I really want to see "The Last Godfather" and I sincerely hope that it will turn out to be a fantastic knockabout comedy. However, the little I have seen, has not got my hopes up and I'm prepared for the worst...
At least with a Shim Hyung-rae film, you're guaranteed a good laugh one way or the other.
I'll just leave you with the film's storyline, as found on imdb: "A Mafia boss trains his mentally impaired son as his successor."
Thanks for all the good times Mr. Shim...