Greek kebabs served with tiny pitta breads.

The rather larger Russian versions.

Afghanistan had the prettiest skewers.

However, Indonesia had the tastiest...

Peru wins for largest chunks of meat though.

The French contingent did have the best sausages on offer.

But it was good to see the UK's representative Gavin turning out with his usual bangers.

Chef Meili did the Austrians proud with his delicious roast pork.

But the highlight of the festival for me was the Lebanese chicken and rice.

It turns out the creator of the best food of the festival is a diplomat working at the embassy. I'm hoping he gives up the day job and gives Seoul a Lebanese restaurant to be proud of!

Falafel creation caught in the act.
Alas the friendship fair is over for another year, but I urge any foodies in Seoul to make a point of turning up to next year's festivities. It's well worth a visit.
I'm sad I missed it this year, though I did eat lots of good food in China for my vacation...
Paul!!! Now I know why I like you so much!!! We need a 고기팀 meet-up!
Joanna, sorry you missed it, but I look forward to seeing photos of your Chinese food experiences.
A 고기팀 meet-up would be fantastic. Instead of a bar crawl, we could have a meat crawl, trawling the best carnivorous restaurants for meaty goodness!
WOW! did not even know this festival even existed. Will definitely have to hit it up next year.
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