Showing posts with label Touring Ajosshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Touring Ajosshi. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2009

Curry in 김해 (Gimhae)

Curry in Gimhae

Wandering round the streets of Gimhae last weekend, I stumbled upon a spicy little diamond in the rough. Namaste is one of the best Indian restaurants I have been to in a long time and well worth a visit if you happen to be in the area.

Curry in Gimhae
(Plain rice, mutton curry, makhani dal and plain naan)

Curry in Gimhae

On the third floor above a Brenntano clothing store and up a rather dodgy looking staircase, lies the rather modest looking Namaste restaurant. With posters of the himalayas resting under cracked glass table tops, this place is not about looks.

Curry in Gimhae

The menu reflects the simple surroundings with curries starting at 4,000 won for a plain dal and peaking at 14,000 won for a beef masala. Most curries on the menu are in the 6-8,000 won range and a whole tandoori chicken will only set you back 13,000 won (Menu available here and here).

Curry in Gimhae
(Mutton curry, makhani dal, pakora, plain rice, vegetable curry, garlic naan and plain naan)

Curry in Gimhae
(Mutton curry)

We ate at the restaurant on two different occasions sampling a number of the dishes. At 6,500 won the mutton curry is a fantastic bargain. Beautifully spiced, with much more meat than pricier Indian restaurants in Seoul, this dish offers deep flavours and succulent sheep. The makhani dal at 6,000 won is much lighter fare, but a perfect accompaniment to one of the stronger curries. The naan are crisp and chewy and very reasonable at only 1,300-1,500 won.

Curry in Gimhae
(Jira rice)

Plain rice is available for 1,000 won or you can choose the slightly more expensive Jira rice (Fried rice) for 2,000 won.

Curry in Gimhae
(Chicken tikka masala)

Curry in Gimhae
(Potato and onion pakora)

Namaste is one of the best foreign restaurants I have been to in Korea and with a meal of curry, rice and naan coming in at under 10,000 won, also one of the cheapest. Curry in Gimhae doesn't get better than this.

Curry in Gimhae
Namaste specializes in Indian and Nepali cuisine. To contact them call: 055 327 4892.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Copyright Infringement Tuesday (김해 Edition)

It's Friday night, it's late, you are stranded in 김해 (Gimhae) and you have a desperate urge to munch on some juicy fried chicken. Where are you going to go? Who will serve you a plate of the crispy, crunchy, feathery goodness that you need so much?

Look no further my friends, for this little blue fellow will satisfy all your chicken related needs:

Smoper Fried Chicken

"Smoper" has got your back and he and his friends want to serve you the finest fried, roasted and stewed chickens in the south of Korea.

Smoper Fried Chicken

This tiny chicken outlet in the backstreets of Gimhae means no harm and its cutesy portrayal of "Smoper" the fried chicken mascot should be admired. However "Smoper" does seem a little familiar.... His hat may be yellow and his features a little distorted, but he does remind me of a figure from my childhood. Is "Smoper" Papa Smurf's long lost cousin? Is Peyo rolling in his grave?

Smoper Fried Chicken

Searching for "스모프" on google I found the parent website for this intriguing chicken franchise. So it seems that this rather blatant copyright infringement is not isolated, but that there are in fact a fair number of "Smopers" selling their wares across the country. Better not let the Smurfs know.... Turns out they call themselves "Smupers" (스머프) in Korean.

Disclaimer - Paul Ajosshi has never tasted "Smoper" chicken and so cannot vouch for quality, quantity or fair treatment of any chicken eaten at one of these franchises. Consume at your own risk....

Shadow Thief in Gimhae

Just got back from our tour of "Shadow Thief" to 김해 (Gimhae/Kimhae), where the Gimhae Arts and Sports Center (GASC) treated us royally. They always produce special banners and pamphlets for our shows and their theatre is welcoming, warm and the audiences are always fun to perform to.... Yay for Gimhae!

Shadow Thief in Gimhae

Shadow Thief in Gimhae

I'm the one with the horns....

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Best Damn Tofu in Daejeon!

If you find yourself at a loose end down in 둔산동 (Dunsan-dong) in 대전 (Daejeon) and are in the mood for some tasty tofu treats then head on down to 갑동골 흑 수제비 (Gapdonggol Heuk Sujebi) - home of 흑 두부 (Black tofu).

Black Tofu Restaurant

This paradise of soybean pleasure is only a five minute walk from Galleria-Time World, just cross over to 전자랜드 (Chunja Land Electronics Market) and head down the side street another fifty metres until you see the comforting sight of this beautiful little restaurant.

Once inside it looks like any other little restaurant you might find in the city, but the menu on the side of the wall hints at the exciting dishes that await your dining desires:


Black dumpling soup, black dough flake soup, black dumplings, black bean curd pancakes, black tofu, black silken tofu soup, spicy black tofu and seafood, black dumpling stew, black tofu stew, kimchi stew, fermented soybean stew, black tofu and steamed pork, and black soy bean noodles. Quite a list of options and over the past couple of years, each time I've come back to Daejeon, I have tried quite a few...

Black Soybean Curd Pancakes

First up the crowd pleaser - 흑비지전 (Black bean curd pancakes), these crunchy little fellows are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face. The black bean curd is shaped into robust patties that are crispy on the edges and satisfyingly moist in the middle. The chillies on the top add a little bit of a kick, but the pancakes are not too spicy and will leave you craving for more.

Black Tofu Dumplings

Next up the comforting option - 흑만두 (Black dumplings), solid and hearty dumplings that fill you up and keep you warm in the winter. These are well made, well seasoned and a simple option for anyone avoiding spice. For those with a slightly more adventurous spirit and a more robust palate then 흑만두전골 (Black dumpling stew) may be the choice for you:

Dumpling Stew

This fiery pot of dumplings, cabbage, seafood and spice is perfect for sharing with friends and for warming your cockles when Daejeon's streets are frozen over.


For those with iron taste buds then the next step up is - 흑두부 두루치기 (spicy black tofu and seafod), succulent slices of black tofu, squid and a mountain of bean sprouts are soaked in a feiry ocean of chilli sauce. If you are craving something mouth-burningly delicious then this is the dish for you. Not for the faint hearted, this volcanic tofu mountain will sate your spicy needs.

Black Tofu and Steamed Pork

And saving the best for last - 흑두부보쌈 (Black tofu and steamed pork), slices of pig and black tofu wrapped in kimchi or lettuce... Heaven. Don't listen to what vegetarians may tell you, pork and tofu go together like no other combination on earth. Add some mature kimchi into the mix and you have a heavenly mouthful of Korean cuisine.

Beautiful Bossam

Black tofu may sound like an oddity, but after a visit to this restaurant you'll be craving it again and again.

For more information see the proprietor's business card below:



Most definitely the best damn tofu in Daejeon!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Catfish Soup in Yuseong

Visiting Daejeon (대전) for the weekend, I found myself hankering for something a little bit different food-wise. So I wandered the streets of Yuseong (유성) looking for grub. Just near exit seven of the Yuseong Spa station (유성 온천 역) I came across a Japanese restaurant with a curious sign out front:

Catfish Soup in Daejeon

Catfish Soup in Daejeon

생물메기탕! Fresh catfish soup! Only 10,000 won a portion!

Delight of delights; a new delicacy to try... Turns out the 10,000 won deal is only at lunch time and for dinner they add on an extra 5,ooo for good measure, but I wasn't deterred. I was shown to my own private room and was treated royally.

First off a little raw fish salad to get the party started:

Catfish Soup in Daejeon
The fish was fresh and succulent, not too chewy and well complimented by the assorted leaves, seaweed and slices of pepper all covered in the traditional sweet chili sauce.

Next to come - the main course accompanied by a fabulous array of eleven 반찬 (side dishes).

Catfish Soup in Daejeon

The catfish soup was bubbling hot and topped with a seasonal treat, a large handful of 냉이 (shepherd's purse). The broth was simple, but very tasty and packed full with bean sprouts, tiny prawns and large chunks of catfish.

Catfish Soup in Daejeon

A delicious meal, with only one small drawback; like most fish soups that I've had in Korea, there was a lot of skin, a lot of bone and not too much flesh. Still it was definitely worth trying and the raw fish salad was a very welcome bonus to the meal.

어가원 (the restaurant) is worth a look if you are in the area and in the mood for something a little different. They specialize in tuna, but the catfish is a far more interesting option. Contact them on 042-825-6665 for more information or directions.