Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Guide To Korean Slang

As Much As A Rat's Tail

This year being the tenth anniversary of my arrival in Korea, I have decided to improve my knowledge of the Korean language. I can have a conversation, I can make myself understood, I've even worked as a translator on theatre projects, but I still can't pick up a newspaper and read it cover to cover. So I've got myself a lovely new teacher who'll hopefully boost my Korean up a notch and in the spirit of education I thought I'd recommend a lovely little book I found just before Christmas.

As Much As A Rat's Tail (쥐꼬리만쿰) by Peter Liptak and Siwoo Lee comes in at just under two hundred pages and is a fantastic way to learn all the words and phrases that your Korean friends won't dare explain to you. It covers such popular expressions as 고고씽 (explaining its origins and giving example sentences) as well as letting you know what you shouldn't say in front of your boss. This guide is not for the faint of heart, children or those with prudish sensibilities; but it will help adults studying Korean understand more about the culture and the language.

It may not be a comprehensive dictionary of slang, yet it does entertain and enlighten non-native Korean speakers as to what people may be saying around them. At 15,000 won it's a great deal and a worthy addition to any Korean language student's bookshelf. I picked my copy up at Seoul Selection, but it may be available elsewhere...

Fantastic Map of Vegetarian Restaurants in Korea

Saw this floating around on Dave's ESL cafe and thought it deserved wider recognition:

View Vegetarian Restaurants in Seoul, Korea in a larger map

Thanks to all involved for creating such a useful guide!

The Drive Home Service From Hell...

Drive Home Service From Hell...

Who knew that Yeosu had such a satanic 대리운전 service...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Korean Movies Not Subtitled in English...

I've skipped the last two updates of subtitled cinema listings for two simple reasons: Firstly, I've been far too busy playing Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks... and secondly, there aren't any subtitled films around.

Joy of joys, we start the new year the same way we started last year... with no subtitled films. Hopefully this will change, but for the moment we are bereft of translated Korean cinematic adventures.

I'll list listings as and when they appear. Hopefully we have't seen the last of them.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Korean Movies Subtitled in English 2012/01/04-2012/01/06

전우치 (Woochi) is still running and Cinus don't seem to care...

Woochi is on at CGV Yongsan:

Monday (4th) - 1025, 1315, 1605, 1855, 2145 and 2435
Tuesday (5th) - 1025, 1315, 1605, 1855, 2145 and 2435
Wednesday (6th) - 1025, 1315, 1605, 1855, 2145 and 2435

And at CGV Apgujeong:

Monday (4th) - 1120 and 1410
Tuesday (5th) - 1125 and 1410
Wednesday (6th) - 1125 and 1410

All listings are correct at time of posting, but may be shivering in the corner of the room.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Crepe Fail

Crepe Fail

Sometimes life is far too absurd. I was out with Joe from Zenkimchi for a spot of lunch and a crepe today, but we were scuppered in our attempts to achieve pancake satisfaction.

"et M'amie", in Itaewon, promises "Bistro Cafe Creperie Sucrerie" on their signs and yet there is not a single pancake on their menu. Complete crepe fail... The manager claimed that there were crepes at other branches of this chain, but to be honest if I see the word "creperie" in a restaurant window then I expect to be able to order a pancake or galette right there and then.

I'm not angry at you "et M'amie", I'm just disappointed...

Crepe Fail

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Catch Up Part Two

Lanna Thai

Christmas lunch for most people is a leisurely affair filled with wine song and Christmas pudding, but for a jobbing actor with a show to do, it was more a case of what was open near work. So off to Lanna Thai I went...

Lanna Thai

This cosy little Thai restaurant next to Yangjae station was the perfect location for pre-performance sustenance. I settled on some 뽀삐아 (Spring rolls) for 4,000 won and the 깽펫느아 (beef red curry) for 12,000 won.

Lanna Thai

Crispy little treats... Simple yet delicious.

Lanna Thai

The red curry was equally tasty. Very hot, very creamy and filled with aubergines, baby corn and beef. A wonderful winter warmer and guaranteed to fill up even the largest of stomaches. The chefs at Lanna Thai hail from Thailand and are able to produce some of the best Thai curries in Gangnam.

Lanna Thai

To get to this reasonably priced franchise take the subway to Yangjae station and use exit 3 or 4. Lanna Thai is directly under the Daiso shop... You can call them on 02 577 0913 or visit their website here.

Christmas Catch Up Part One

Happy New Year one and all!

It has been a busy last week of 2009 and here's an update of this Ajosshi's whirlwind wonderland of a holiday experience...

Christmas Eve:

Thanks to the combined efforts of Kblog giants Dan and Rob, I got a chance to experience my first North American style Christmas dinner.

Christmas Eve

They had ordered two huge turkeys with all the trimmings from Yongsan base and had decided to share the Christmas love with almost twenty people or so.

The food was good, but I am at a loss as to why our transatlantic cousins prefer their potatoes mashed rather than roasted. Does anyone know the reason why dinners differ so across continents? Still, the mashed potatoes were delicious topped with a spoon full of gravy and the cranberry sauce was warmly welcomed.

Christmas Eve

Much fun was had and Foreigner Joy's cheesecake made for a delightful centre piece on the dessert table. Due to work commitments I left before the tense late night game of scrabble ended, but I had to admire Dan's skills at finding the rudest words possible on the board...

Thanks Dan and Rob for hosting such a wonderful event and for providing such a sumptuous feast.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Final Post of 2009

As 2009 comes to a close I leave you all with a glimpse at my facebook status updates of 2009...

Facebook Status 2009

May 2010 be far more exciting...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Korean Movies Subtitled in English 2009/12/31-2010/01/03 - Woochi Edition

전우치 (The Taoist Wizard or "Woochi" as it's titled onscreen) continues into 2010...

Woochi is on at CGV Yongsan:

Thursday (31st) - 1305, 1555, 1845, 2140 and 2430
Friday (1st) - 1005, 1255, 1545, 1835, 2125 and 2620
Saturday (2nd) - 1005, 1255, 1545, 1835, 2125 and 2620
Sunday (3rd) - 1005, 1255, 1545, 1835 and 2125

And at CGV Apgujeong:

Thursday (31st) - 1105 and 1350
Friday (1st) - 1105 and 1350
Saturday (2nd) - 1105 and 1350
Sunday (3rd) - 1055 and 1340

All listings are correct at time of posting, unless they get trapped in an ancient painting for five hundred years...