Saturday, May 22, 2010

Kwon Crazy...

Edward Kwon's The Spice

Ah, dear readers, it has been too long. These past three weeks I've been up to my neck in rehearsals and have had little time to think of anything but our new show. However, I had the chance today to get away from the theatre and head down to a new restaurant in the Itaewon/Hannam-dong area.

Edward Kwon HDR

Edward Kwon's The Spice is a classy addition to the Yongsan dining scene and I was lucky enough to share my lunch with Joe from ZenKimchi and Stephen Revere, founder and managing editor of 10 Magazine.

The three of us picked different menus which ranged from the very reasonable (27,500 won for three courses) to the pricey, yet still quite reasonable (47,500 won for five courses and coffee). Some of you may sneer at the cost, but I promise that you will get your money's worth if you make the trip to The Spice.


I decided on the "Lunch Exclusive" for 38,500 won and was presented with an exquisite four course meal. Unfortunately, due to the lovely ever-changing lighting states of the restaurant, some of my photos came out red-tinged, so I apologize for an slightly odd photographic account of the event.

Edward Kwon's The Spice

The giant crab and yabbi ravioli was dumpling-like in appearance and heavenly in taste. The soft seafood filling wasn't overpowered by the lime infused midori dressing and the addition of fresh grapefruit gave the dish a powerful kick. A simply stunning start.

Edward Kwon's The Spice

I chose the peaches and prociutto to follow. Despite it's sweetness the combination of raw ham, figs, mascarpone mousse and peach seemed almost like the perfect porcine dessert. A more than acceptable second course.

Edward Kwon's The Spice

And then came a spectacular combination of short ribs and gnocchi. The ribs were tender and the gnocchi were perhaps the best I've had. Slightly crispy on the outside and gorgeously gloopy in the middle, they were the highlight of the dish and Kwon deserves high praise for his mastery of these little potato marvels.

Edward Kwon's The Spice

Rounding off the meal was perhaps the most beautiful dish of all. The lemon olive oil cake was perfectly presented and the ginger tinged meringues gave this dessert an extra special kick.

Edward Kwon's The Spice

Special mention must go to the foie gras starter that Joe and Stephen received. Dehydrated strawberries and duck liver are perhaps the most surprisingly delicious combination I've had.

Edward Kwon's The Spice

The service was fantastic, the food was incredible and compared to some of the fancier restaurants in Seoul, the meals were ridiculously cheap. There are far too few restaurants offering this kind of fare at a price ordinary people can afford and I suspect that once word gets out that there will be long queues outside The Spice's door.

Edward Kwon HDR

Book your table now before the rush starts and get a taste of fairly priced michelin star quality food.

To get to The Spice take exit 3 from Hangangjin station, walk past Passion 5 bakery and the restaurant is on the left hand side. You can call them on 02 749 2596.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Buddha's Angels

Buddha's Angels HDR

Down in Hannam-dong, Buddha watches over the bikers...

Friday, April 30, 2010

An Ajosshi Reviews...

I come bearing news (of the good sort, for me at least). I have become 10 Magazine's official film reviewer. Starting in this month's magazine you can read my thoughts on three of the latest releases. Right now only one of my reviews is up on their website, but over the coming months there'll be many more...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Twenty English Subtitled Films...

An article in today's JoongAng Daily brings good news to those of us who are fans of English subtitled Korean films in Seoul:

To meet foreign residents’ growing demand for greater access to cultural life, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and CGV, a local theater chain, will screen 20 Korean films with English subtitles starting today, the city government said in a statement yesterday.

So it looks like Cinus have dropped out from the subtitle race and handed the baton over to the far superior CGV chain!

This year, four CGV theaters were added, with locations in Gangnam, Yongsan, Myeongdong and Guro.

“These four theaters are located in places where there is a large expat population,” said Kim Dae-hee, an official at CGV who is in charge of promoting the English subtitle service.

Good news for me as my local cinema is CGV Yongsan, but hopefully this expanded service will offer more English speakers the chance to watch subtitled Korean films.

Blades of Blood, directed by Lee Joon-ik (“The King and The Clown”) is a period film set in the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). “Maid” by Im Sang-soo, “Poetry” by Lee Chang-dong and “Dreams Come True” by Kye Yun-sik are also among the 20 films chosen.

If I get to see "Maid" and "Poetry" on the subtitled big screen then I will be a happy man indeed, but I wonder whether CGV will stick to their guns and deliver the full twenty film promise or whether they will fall foul of some problem or another.

There's talk of special events for foreign fans and also Chinese and Japanese subtitled screenings that will start later in the year, so it's good news all round for non-Korean Korean film fans.

I'm off to see Blades of Blood this weekend and I encourage all Korean film fans to do the same, show CGV that this is a sustainable service that the foreign community wants and needs. As for now CGV's English language website gives no hint of the service, but hopefully they'll sort something out and do a better job than Cinus' pathetic page.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Korean Movies Subtitled in English 2010/04/29-2010/05/04

Exciting news for those who enjoy Korean movies: After a long hiatus we finally have another English subtitled movie on our screens thanks to the lovely folks at CGV! 구르믈 버서난 달처럼 (Blades of Blood) starts showing this week at CGV cinemas in Yongsan, Gangnam and Guro. From the trailer it looks to be a historical sword fighting epic starring 황청민 (Hwang Chung-min from last year's Sherlock Holmes homage, Private Eye) and 차승원 (Cha Seung-won from the thriller Secret). I've no idea if it's any good, but I'm just glad to see subtitles back on the big screen. Tell your friends, take a trip to the cinema and let's show the cinemas that English subtitled Korean films are a profitable enterprise for those companies that choose to indulge us...

Blades of Blood is on at CGV Yongsan:

Thursday (29th) - 1140, 1625, 1900 and 2345
Friday (30th) - 1140, 1405, 1900 and 2130
Saturday (1st) - 1140, 1625, 1900 and 2355
Sunday (2nd) - 1140, 1625, 1900 and 2345
Monday (3rd) - 1135, 1620, 1845 and 2335
Tuesday (4th) - 1140, 1625, 1850 and 2335

Also at CGV Gangnam:

Thursday (29th) - 1115, 1830 and 2330
Friday (30th) - 1135, 1825 and 2315
Saturday (1st) - 1015, 1730 and 2140
Sunday (2nd) - 1015, 1730 and 2140

And at CGV Guro:

Thursday (29th) - 2010
Friday (30th) - 2010
Saturday (1st) - 1955
Sunday (2nd) - 1955
Monday (3rd) - 2010

I'll update screening times if and when they appear. All listings are correct at time of posting, but may well be squashed flat by the heavy boots of Iron Man 2...

Please spread the word so that those interested get the chance to see English subtitled Korean films.

Some Things That Make Me Want To Scream

Everytime I go to the cinema I see this commercial... twice. There is something so grating, so annoying about the way that singer says "고비F가 말해줄꺼야" that I want to jump out of my seat rush out of the theatre and do horrible things to whoever decided this was a fitting way to advertise a phone.

However, this delightful musical foray into advertising is just the tip of the iceberg. I find myself plagued by jingles, with each season bringing a particularly annoying ditty to the fore.

Last Christmas this abhorrence seemed to be everywhere and did nothing except make me want to bury 2PM under a pile of Paris Baguette cakes so that the terrible music would stop and we could go back to listening to something more pleasant like the construction noises down by Gangnam station.

However even 2PM's efforts pale in comparison to what is for me quite possibly one of the most hateful pieces of poptastic advertising ever to spring from the minds of the demented executives that commisioned it...

Big Bang and 2NE1 should be ashamed of themselves for participating in one of the most annoying commercials of last year (if not all time). I'm not a violent person, but when listening to this musical travesty the red mist comes down and my fists start to clench. An advert masquerading as a full length pop song seems to be a little deceitful in my book and does little for the artistic integrity of either group involved.

At least Lollipop and Paris Baguette Christmas have disappeared (for the time being), but I'm sure as summer approaches that Big Bang, 2NE1, After School, 2PM, Girls Generation or another of those manufactured pop groups will be attempting to sell me something else in the most annoying way possible. Time to put my headphones on and hope that the dulcet tones 김현식 will block out all the nastiness...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hey Hey It's Saturday!

Blossoms HDR

Yay it's Saturday and the Korea Herald has been spending a little time in Itaewon. Make sure to read to the end to find out the kinds of exciting foreigners you can meet here!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Springtime Ravioli


Up on Namsan about five minutes walk from the Hyatt Hotel is a curious cafe/restaurant called "The Classic HwaSooMok". It's a strange and rather pricey place with odd art on the walls and a lovely garden to relax in. The ravioli was expensive (20,000 won or so) but was surprisingly delicious. Packed with ricotta, onion and spinach, these tasty little parcels of Italian joy were enough to put a smile on my face.

You can visit their website here and find a map to their place here.

Blossoms at the Hyatt

Hyatt HDR

Another photo, another blossom...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spiders in Itaewon...

Spider HDR

If you've had a chance to go to the fantastic Leeum museum in Itaewon then you've probably seen Louise Bourgeois' gorgeous spiders that rest atop the parking lot. Even if you don't fancy going inside the museum (which you'd be a fool not to), the spiders are worth the short walk from Hangangjin station.

Spider HDR

You can visit the museum's website here.

Spider HDR